The Bloom Room
Vivid Beauty Bouquet
Introducing the Vivid Beauty Bouquet, the perfect gift for any occasion including Mother's Day. An elegant, dramatic and alluring bouquet that will leave them speechless. This stunning flower bouquet can be delivered across Melbourne. Surprise your loved ones with the beauty and freshness of these handpicked blooms. Order now and bring joy to someone's day!
Size showing in photo is Extra Large.
Celebrate Mother's Day in style with our Vivid Beauty Bouquet. These perfect flowers are sure to bring a smile to any mum's face. Give the gift of beautiful flowers to show your appreciation for the amazing mothers in your life.
We use only the freshest seasonal flowers, subject to availability. Images are provided purely as a guide and we will do our best to capture the style of the image. If you have specific requirements regarding flower selection, please callĀ (03) 9572 2994 orĀ contact us.
As your local florist in Malvern, we offer a wide range of flowers in Melbourne with the comfort of fast and prompt same day flower delivery Melbourne-wide.
Vivid Beauty Bouquet
100% recommend!